Common problems after the winter sprinkler ban
Ever had that aaargh!!!! moment when you realise your retic system isn’t working and you don’t know why? Yep, we’ve all been there. 'It can be highly frustrating as it's not always easy to find the source of the problem.
As a starting point we suggest trying the below 3 steps
If that hasn’t fixed the issue then your system could be suffering from one of the below common problems:
• Leaks
• Broken or Blogged sprinkler heads
• Faulty reticulation controllers
• Low water pressure
• Zones not working
Let’s look at each common problem in detail
Leaks can be easy to spot when they show excess water on the surface, but they can also be invisible, you may be wasting water without even knowing it! Things to look out for include a drop in pressure on one of the station lines, outlets continually blocking and damp or soggy ground. If any digging or ground service works have taken place over the winter, these locations would be a good place to start.
As your retic system has been unused over the winter, simply turning your system back on may disrupt a poorly connected fitting or junction so it’s a good idea to inspect all stations running properly before turning your system back on to run full cycles.
Broken/Blocked sprinkler heads
Broken or blocked outlets are a common issue with in-efficient systems and can occur regularly both after the winter ban and throughout the hot season. To check blocked outlets,
1. clear overgrown turf away from the outlet head and remove the nozzle.
2. Ensure the nozzle head and filter is clear.
3. Flush the system before reapplying the nozzle.
4. Repeat this for all blocked outlets before installing new product.
5. If the blockage remains, replace the nozzles.
It’s easy to miss one and the problem won’t become apparent until the weather heats up and sections of your garden not getting sufficient water will start to show. To check the coverage of your system, we recommend using catch cups to check the even coverage of water and the correct amount is being distributed by each cycle.